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Music Therapy for Non-Musicians

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Excerpt from

Chapter 2:

Simple Sound Healing Tools

Music and sound affect us on multiple levels. Learning to apply music to produce a change in various conditions -- physical and psychological -- is not difficult.

Most sound and music therapies are easily applied by anyone, but music therapy is an active process. It is more than just listening to some music and "being healed." Listening passively will help, but the effects are not nearly as beneficial or long lasting as they are if we make a concerted effort to consciously enjoy and reinforce the process.

No special knowledge or prior training is essential. We do not need to play a musical instrument. We do not need to be schooled in music theory. In fact, weeding through all of the theory is time consuming and frequently an anesthetic for the brain. The techniques provided in this handbook are effective whether we have musical training or not. With just a little awareness, we each can use musical rhythms, tones, instruments, compositions, and vocalizaitons to interact with our different physical and psychological conditions.

All aspects of the healing field, traditional and non-traditional, serve a purpose. It is not the intent of this book to give one credence over another. The techniques provided serve a two-fold purpose:

  1. To reveal that there are alternatives available (music being one), and

    To provide simple tools in sound therapy for the average person, so that he or she can experience that effectiveness and thus enable greater participation in one's own health maintenance.

There are many ways of healing -- many ways of restoring and maintaining balance. We each have our own unique energy system, and thus we each must work to find the method or combination of methods that works best for us as individuals. These techniques are those I have found helpful for myself and in my own healing with with others. They are methods that have been used in some form by therapists and others within the medical and healing field.

As you learn of these guidelines, reshape them into methods that work best for you. Remember that when music sounds good to us, it is an audible signal that the music IS good for us! We must trust what sounds good to our ears. And then we must build upon that.

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